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Practical Advice - Index

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For beginners

A simplified system for learning and retaining vocabulary (Basic Level DYLL)

Learning with the Pen-and-Paper Algorithm (PAPA)
Vocabulary and idioms for beginners and intermediate learners.

When to revise

Why it is stupid to "revise as much as possible"
(what you should do instead is "revise as much as necessary")

What is the best time of day to devote to language learning, e.g. new vocabulary?

How to learn Hindi and Urdu numbers from 1 to 99

For intermediate and advanced learners

The Sentence Algorithm (SENTAL) (Compact version)
How to eradicate your mistakes in English - or any other language
(grammar - vocabulary - idioms)

From word to discourse: A lesson with SENTAL, or: How to absorb new vocabulary and grammar


The memory model of Dynamic Language Learning

Why is it called "Dynamic"?

English version: Dynamic Learning Algorithms

Deutsche Fassung: Dynamische Lernalgorithmen

Klaus Bung: List of academic publications





