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  • Dr Klaus Bung, PhD (Cantab)
    68 Brantfell Road
    Blackburn BB1-8DL
    Lancashire, England

    List of Publications by Dr Klaus Bung and colleagues

    (Abstracts of some of these publications are available on request. Books are marked *)

    These publications will gradually be made available on the Internet. Click on the title to get the text. The year of available titles will be marked in red to make them easier to spot as long as there are only a few of them.

    1963 'The tape recorder in language classes'. In: AUDIO-VISUAL LANGUAGE JOURNAL, Vol 1, No 3, London, England

    1964 'Some thoughts on programming languages for the tape recorder'. In: International Conference 'Modern Foreign Language Teaching', Berlin, Germany, 1964. Preprints Part I, p 425-439. Berlin, Germany

    1964/65 'Problems of learning in the language laboratory'. In: AUDIO-VISUAL LANGUAGE JOURNAL, Vol 2, No 4, 1964, p 3-7, and Vol 3, No 1, 1965, p 16-19, London, England

    1965a 'Inside the shell': Programming and the language laboratory'. In: NEW EDUCATION, November 1965, p 28-31, London, England

    1965b 'The unnatural barrier' (Language laboratory facilities). In: THE TIMES EDUCATIONAL SUPPLEMENT, 10 December 1965. p 1285, London, England

    1966a 'Inside the shell'. In: TEACHER-TO-TEACHER, Vol 1, No 2, April 1966, p 1-2. Published by World Education Markets Inc, P.O. Box 5755, Washington DC 20014, USA

    1966b 'Language Laboratory work for advanced students and the 'Audio-Adapter''. In: CONTACT 8 (Journal of the Federation Internationale des Professeurs de Langues Vivantes), June 1966, p 31-37. Vienna, Austria

    1966c 'Subvalidierung von Sprachprogrammen' (Subvalidation of language programmes). In: PROGRAMMIERTES LERNEN UND PROGRAMMIERTER UNTERRICHT, Vol 3, No 1, p 11-16, Franz Cornelsen Verlag, Berlin, Germany

    1966d Wolf Friederich: ''Subvalidierung von Sprachprogrammen'. Eine Stellungnahme.' ('Subvalidation of language programmes.' A criticism.) In: PROGRAMMIERTES LERNEN UND PROGRAMMIERTER UNTERRICHT, Vol 3, No 2, p 76. Franz Cornelsen Verlag, Berlin, Germany (see also 1966c and 1967f)

    1966e 'Aufgaben eines Sprachlernzentrums und Vorschläge zu seiner Gestaltung' (Functions of a language learning centre and suggestions for its design). In: Helmar Frank (ed): 'Lehrmaschinen in kybernetischer und pädagogischer Sicht 4', p 282-301. Ernst Klett Verlag, Stuttgart, Germany

    1967a 'Language learning with programmes'. In: THE SCIENCE OF LEARNING, Vol 3, 1967, p 30-51, Tokyo, Japan., Reprinted in Bung 1967e

    1967b 'Die Zukunft des Sprachlabors' (The future of the language laboratory). In: UMSCHAU IN WISSENSCHAFT UND TECHNIK, Vol 67, p 29, Frankfurt/M, Federal Republic of Germany

    1967c 'Die Struktur eines Sprachprogramms' (The structure of a language programme). In: 'Praxis und Perspektiven des programmierten Unterrichts', Vol 2, p 264-270. (Conference proceedings; no named editor). Verlag Schnelle, Quickborn nr Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany

    1967d 'A model for the construction and use of adaptive algorithmic language programmes'. In: M J Tobin (ed): 'Problems and methods in programmed learning. The proceedings of the 1967 apl/ncpl Birmingham conference.' Part 1: 1967, p 108-114. National Centre for Programmed Learning, School of Education, The University, Birmingham 15, England

    *1967e 'Programmed learning and the language laboratory 2'. Collected papers by Klaus Bung. 279 pp. Longmac Ltd, 13 Wisteria Road, London SE13-5HW, England

    1967f ''Subvalidierung von Sprachprogrammen'. Eine Klarstellung'. (Subvalidation of language programmes. A clarification.) In: PROGRAMMIERTES LERNEN UND PROGRAMMIERTER UNTERRICHT, Vol 4, No 1, p 32 f. Franz Cornelsen Verlag, Berlin, Germany. (Reply to Friederich; see 1966d, above)

    1967g 'Problems of task analysis for language programming'. In: 1967e, p 187-279. German version: 1970i

    1968a 'Ein Modell für die Erstellung und Abarbeitung adaptiver algorithmischer Sprachprogramme' (A model for the construction and use of adaptive algorithmic language programmes). In: GRUNDLAGENSTUDIEN AUS KYBERNETIK UND GEISTESWISSENSCHAFT, Vol 9. p 5-12. Verlag Schnelle, Quickborn nr Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany

    1968b Klaus Bung (ed): 'Programmed learning and the language laboratory 1'. Collected papers. 243 pp. Longmac, 13 Wisteria Road, London SE13-5HW. England

    1968c Review of A Valdman (ed): 'Trends in language teaching'. McGraw-Hill, New York, 1966. In: DAS SPRACHLABOR UND DER AUDIOVISUALLE UNTERRICHT (Quarterly supplement of DIE NEUEREN SPRACHEN), June 1968, p 68-71. Verlag Moritz Diesterweg, Frankfurt/M, Germany

    1969a 'The function of the teacher in programmed language instruction'. In: RECALL: REVIEW OF EDUCATIONAL CYBERNETICS AND APPLIED LINGUISTICS, Vol 1, No 2, 1969, p 55-78. Longmac Ltd, London, England

    1969b 'Towards truly programmed language laboratory courses'. In: AUDIO-VISUAL LANGUAGE JOURNAL, Vol 7, 5-17. London, England

    1969c 'Prior knowledge analysis for programmed language instruction'. In: RECALL: REVIEW OF EDUCATIONAL CYBERNETICS AND APPLIED LINGUISTICS, Vol 1, No 3, p 98-117. Longmac Ltd, London, England

    1969d 'Programmed language instruction for developing countries'. Paper read at the Seminar 'Programmed Instruction for Developing Countries', held from 4 to 8 March 1969 at the Institute for Technical Assistance Research, Schottenbastei 6, A-1010 Vienna, Austria. English version available from ERIC Document Reproduction Service, operated by Leasco Information Products Inc, 4827 Rugby Avenue, Bethesda, Md. 20014, USA. Ref No: ED 042 147. - German and Spanish versions available from the author

    1969e 'Phonetic intelligibility in programmed language instruction'. In: A P Mann and C K Brunstrom (eds): 'Aspects of educational technology 3' p 37-40. Pitman, London, England.

    1970a 'Die Funktion des Lehrers im programmierten Sprachunterricht' (The function of the teacher in programmed language instruction). In: Brigitte Rollett and Klaus Weltner (eds): 'Perspektiven des programmierten Unterrichts', p 30-36. Osterreichischer Bundesverlag, Vienna, Austria

    1970b 'Vorkenntnisanalyse für den programmierten Sprachunterricht' (Prior knowledge analysis for programmed language instruction). In: SPRACHE IM TECHNISCHEN ZEITALTER, Special issue: 'Linguistik und Pädagogik 2', No 33, Jan-Mar 1970, p 10-24. Kohlhammer Verlag, Stuttgart, Germany

    1970c 'Ensino de idiomas programado para paises em desenvolvimento' (Programmed language instruction for developing countries). In: S W Becker-Frank (ed): 'Instrucao programada e pedagogia cibernetica' p 98- 103. Proceedings of the First Latin-American Congress of the Association for Programmed Instruction and Educational Cybernetics. Publisher: Editora Mensageiro da Fe, Caixa Postal 708, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil

    1970d 'Phonetische Verständlichkeit in der Theorie des programmierten Sprachunterrichts' (Phonetic intelligibility in the theory of programmed language instruction). In: Brigitte Rollett and Klaus Weltner (eds): 'Perspektiven des programmierten Unterrichts', p 287-289. Österreichischer Bundesverlag, Vienna, Austria

    1970e 'Grundlagen und Möglichkeiten der Programmierten Instruktion im Fremdsprachenunterricht' (Foundations and applications of programmed instruction in foreign language teaching). In: 'Protokoll eines Werkstattgesprächs über Möglichkeiten der Programmierten Instruktion im Fremdsprachenunterricht am 10. und 11. Dezember 1969 in München', p 31-41 (discussion: p 4253). (No named editor.) Published by Goethe-Institut, Kaulbachstraße 91, 8 Munich 23, Germany

    1970f 'Programmed language teching and its implications for teacher training'. In: R C Lugton (ed): 'Preparing the EFL teacher: a projection for the 70's, p 119- 177. Center for Curriculum Development , 401 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa, USA. English Distributor: Harrap, London, England

    1970g 'Das Sprachprogramm als Halbordnung und die Freiheit des Benutzers' (The concept of partial order in programmed language instruction and the freedom of the user). In: NEUE UNTERRICHTSPRAXIS, 1970, No 6, p 343-355. Verlag Rudolf Müller, Stolberger Str 84, 5 Köln-Braunsfeld 1, Cologne, Germany

    1970h 'Whatever happened to the revolution?' In: THE TEACHER, Vol 16, No 13, 2 October 1970, p 20. London, England

    *1970i 'Arbeiten zum programmierten Sprachunterricht' (Papers on programmed language instruction). Vol 1: 'Probleme der Aufgabenanalyse bei der Erstellung von Sprachprogrammen' (Problems of task analysis for the construction of language programmes). 64 pp. Julius Groos Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany. (out of print. Some copies still available from the author)

    1970j 'Bemerkungen zu einer Theorie des programmierten Sprachunterrichts' (Remarks on a theory of programmed language instruction). In: Brigitte Rollett and Klaus Weltner (eds): 'Praxis und Theorie des programmierten Unterrichtes 3', p 94-96. Ernst Klett Verlag, Stuttgart, Germany

    1970k Bung, Klaus, and Kenneth Rouse: 'Introduction to Helmar Frank's concept of didactics'. In: RECALL, Vol 1, No 6, p 174-196. Longmac Ltd, London, England

    1971a 'Die Funktion des Lehrers im programmierten Sprachunterricht' (The function of the teacher in programmed language instruction). In: PROGRAMMIERTES LERNEN UND PROGRAMMIERTER UNTERRICHT, 1971. Franz Cornelsen Verlag, Berlin, Germany

    1971b Review of Christian Gellinek: 'Programmed German dictionary', Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, USA, 1968. In: GERMAN LIFE AND LETTERS, Vol 24, p 371-373. Basil Blackwell, Oxford, England

    1971c 'The concept of partial order in programmed language instruction and the freedom of the consumer'. In: PROGRAMMED LEARNING AND EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY, Vol 8, p 22-33 and p 122-124. Sweet and Maxwell, London, England

    1971d 'A cybernetic approach to programmed language instruction'. In: EDUCATIONAL MEDIA INTERNATIONAL, 1971, No 4, p 24-31. International Council for Educational Media, The Modino Press Ltd, 68 Queen Street, London EC4-1AL, England

    1971e 'Abstract automata as models of verbal behaviour'. In: D Packham et al (eds): 'Aspects of educational technology 5', p 412-416. Pitman, London, England

    1971f 'Funzioni dell' 'Audio-Adapter'' (Uses of the 'Audio-Adapter'). In: QUADERNI 'LAB', No 1, July 1971, p 49-56. Centro Europeo Dell 'Educazione, Laboratorio Multimedia, Sezione Laboratori Linguistici, Villa Falconieri, Frascati, Rome, Italy

    *1972a 'Arbeiten zum programmierten Sprachunterricht' (Papers on programmed language instruction). Vol 2: 'Ansätze zu einer Theorie des programmierten Sprachunterrichts' (Towards a theory of programmed language instruction). 113 pp. Julius Groos Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany. (Now out of print, some copies still available from the author)

    *1972b 'Towards a theory of programmed language instruction'. 104 pp. Series: JANUA LINGUARUM. Mouton, The Hague, Holland

    1973a 'The input/output relation in language behaviour'. Council of Europe, CCC/EES (73) 12, Strasbourg, France

    1973b 'The foreign language needs of waiters and hotel staff'. 117 pp. Council of Europe, CCC/EES (73) 19, Strasbourg, France (aka 'The long waiter study')

    1973c 'The foreign language needs of waiters and hotel staff'. 19 pp. (Summary of 1973b above). Council of Europe, CCC/EES (73) 16, Strasbourg, France (aka 'The short waiter study')

    1973d 'The specification of objectives in a language learning system for adults'. 41 pp. Council of Europe, CCC/EES (73) 16, Strasbourg, France

    1974a 'A summary of LAWLI: Learning Algorithm for Written Language Instruction'. In: EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY NEWSLETTER, July 1974, p 9-14. Published by: Carl- Duisberg-Gesellschaft (Philippines) Inc., Room 243, Isabel Building, Corner Isabel/Espana, Manila, Philippines

    1974b 'Trends and problems in the programmed teaching of foreign languages'. In: Oxford Institutes Italiani 1974: 'Le nuove tecnologie educative e l'insegnamento delle lingue'. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference, held in Milan in 1972. The Oxford Institutes Italiani, Via Senato 28, I-20121 Milano, Italy, p 67-95

    1974c 'Orientamenti e problemi nell'insegnamento programmato delle lingue'. In: Oxford Institutes Italiani, 1974: 'Le nuove tecnologie educative e l'insegnamento delle lingue'. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference, held in Milan in 1972. The Oxford Institutes Italiani, Via Senato 28, I-20121 Milano, Italy, p 55-64

    *1975a 'A theoretical model for programmed language instruction'. 336 pp. Longmac Ltd, London, England

    1975b Schlaghecke, Johannes, Klaus Bung and P K Bhatnagar: 'Management training in India. The Indo-German Cooperation Project at the National Productivity Council of India 1974-1976'. An evaluation report. 160 pp. Carl-Duisberg-Centren, Hansaring 47, WD-5000 Cologne, Germany

    1976a 'Educational technology and its prospects in the Philippines'. In: Walter Hoffmann and Johannes Schlaghecke (eds) 1976: 'Educational technology for developing countries', p 30-55. Proceedings of a seminar held in Manila, Philippines, in March 1974. Echo-Verlag, Stuttgart, Germany

    1976b 'Pioneering educational technology in a developing country'. In: Walter Hoffmann and Johannes Schlaghecke (eds) 1976: 'Educational technology for developing countries', p 93-103. Proceedings of a seminar held in Manila, Philippines, in March 1974. Echo-Verlag, Stuttgart, Germany

    1976c 'Educational technology in Germany and its European context'. In: Anne Howe and A J Romiszowski (eds) 1976: 'International yearbook of educational technology 1976/77', p 177-206. Kogan Page Ltd, 116a Pentonville Road, London N1-9JN, England

    1976d 'What is educational technology?'. A teaching package. Mimeographed. 175 pp. Recall Training Consultants Ltd, 68 Brantfell Road, Blackburn BB1ö8DL, Lancashire, England. (Versions available: English, German)

    1976f Bung, Klaus, and Jim Hills: 'The analysis of physical skills for vocational and industrial training'. A teaching package. Mimeographed. 236 pp. Recall Training Consultants Ltd, 68 Brantfell Road, Blackburn BB1ö8DL, Lancashire, England (Versions available: English, Spanish, German)

    1976g 'English language maintenance: proposals for English language maintenance training for employees of Ford- Werke AG, Cologne, who use English only occasionally'. 67 pp. Institut Allgemeine Bildung, Ford-Werke AG, Henry-Ford-Straáe, WD-5000 Cologne/Köln-Niehl, Germany

    1976h Bung, Klaus, and María José‚ Sánchez Carrasco: 'The training needs of Punjab Tractors Limited'. Report about a Preliminary Survey conducted on behalf of Recall Training Consultants Ltd, London, and GSE: Gemeinnützige Gesellschaft für wirtschaftliche und soziale Entwicklung GmbH, Cologne. 81 pp. Recall Training Consultants Ltd, 68 Brantfell Road, Blackburn BB1-8DL, Lancashire, England (See also 1977a below)

    1977a Bung, Klaus, and María José‚ Sánchez Carrasco: 'Elements of an integrated training system for Punjab Tractors Limited'. Proposals made on behalf of Recall Training Consultants Ltd, London, and GSE: Gemeinnützige Gesellschaft für wirtschaftliche und soziale Entwicklung GmbH, Cologne. 16 pp. Recall Training Consultants Ltd, 68 Brantfell Road, Blackburn BB1ö8DL, Lancashire, England 1977b Sánchez Carrasco, María José‚ and Klaus Bung: 'Wie entwickelt man gute Lehrziele? Eine Einführung für Berufschullehrer und solche, die es werden wollen' (How to develop good objectives. An introduction for teachers in vocational training establishments and for teachers in training). A teaching package. Mimeographed. 239 pp. Recall Training Consultants Ltd, 68 Brantfell Road, Blackburn BB1-8DL, Lancashire, England

    1977c Bung, Klaus, and María José Sánchez Carrasco: 'Arbeitsbögen zum Übungsworkshop 'Wie schreibt man gute Lehrziele'' (Workbook for the practice seminar 'How to write good objectives'). 31 pp. Recall Training Consultants Ltd, 68 Brantfell Road, Blackburn BB1-8DL, Lancashire, England

    1977d 'Was ist programmierter Unterricht? Ein Lehrpaket für Berufsschullehrer und solche, die es werden wollen' (What is programmed instruction. A training package for teachers in vocational training institutions and for teachers in training). 328 pp. Recall Training Consultants Ltd, 68 Brantfell Road, Blackburn BB1ö8DL, Lancashire, England

    1977e 'Lehrstoff-Algorithmen oder Neue Methoden für die Beschreibung von Arbeitsverfahren in der Berufsausbildung und Industrie' (Subject-matter algorithms: new methods for describing working procedures in vocational training and industry). A teaching package. Mimeographed. 179 pp. Recall Training Consultants Ltd, 68 Brantfell Road, Blackburn BB1-8DL, Lancashire, England

    1978a 'Tell 'em straight. Why it pays to have good instructional leaflets and how to obtain them'. Mimeographed. 18 pp.

    1978b Bung, Klaus, and Ian McLaren: 'Proposals to Kent Country Nurseries Limited'. Mimeographed. 60 pp. Recall Training Consultants Ltd, 68 Brantfell Road, Blackburn BB1ö8DL, Lancashire, England

    1978c Bung, Klaus, and María José Sánchez Carrasco: 'Quasi-algorithms and the teaching of grammar'. In: EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY, Vol 17, No 10, p 48-52, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, USA

    1978d Bung, Klaus, and Milos Lansky: 'Educational cybernetics'. In: Derick Unwin and Ray McAleese (eds) 1978: 'The encyclopaedia of educational media, communications and technology', p 266-307. Macmillan Press Ltd, 4 Little Essex Street, London WC2, England

    1978e Bung, Klaus, and Ian McLaren: 'Visuelle Kommunikation. Teil 1: Seitengestaltung. Wie macht man übersichtliche Merkblätter, Rundschreiben, Arbeitsblätter und Tests' (Visual communication. Part 1: Layout of individual pages/typewriter typography. How to design handouts, circulars, worksheets and tests). A teaching package. Mimeographed. 355 pp. Recall Training Consultants Ltd, 68 Brantfell Road, Blackburn BB1-8DL, Lancashire, England

    1978f 'Der Arbeitsprojektor' (The overhead projector). A teaching package. Mimeographed. 92 pp. Recall Training Consultants Ltd, 68 Brantfell Road, Blackburn BB1ö8DL, Lancashire, England

    1978g Bung, Klaus, and Ian McLaren: 'Vorschlag für die graphische Gestaltung von Fernstudienmaterial'. 33 pp. Institut für Bildungsinformatik, FEoLL, Pohlweg 5, WD-4790 Paderborn, Germany

    1979a 'Motivation, oder: Der Adressat und seine Lernbereitschaft' (Motivation, or What makes learners tick). A teaching package. Mimeographed. 175 pp. Recall Training Consultants Ltd, 68 Brantfell Road, Blackburn BB1-8DL, Lancashire, England

    1979b 'Erfolgreicher Frontalunterricht' (Successful classroom instruction). A teaching package. Mimeographed. 136 pp. Recall Training Consultants Ltd, 68 Brantfell Road, Blackburn BB1-8DL, Lancashire, England

    1979c 'Variotronic 700. Handbuch' (Users' instructions for desktop computer diary). 43 pp. Pelikan, Podbielskistraáe 141, WD-3000 Hannover 1, Germany

    1979d Bung, Klaus, and Ian McLaren: 'Preparing training materials for workshops and seminars: some guidelines'. 42 pp. Carl-Duisberg-Gesellschaft eV, Hohenstaufenring 30-32, WD-5000 Cologne 1, Federal Republic of Germany

    1979e Bung, Klaus, Leslie Bobb and Gordon Reid: 'Improving the quality of management training'. 98 pp. Carl- Duisberg-Gesellschaft eV, Hohenstaufenring 30-32, WD- 5000 Cologne 1, Germany

    1979f Bung, Klaus, and Gordon Reid: 'Instructional objectives in management training'. A Recall anthology. 87 pp. Carl-Duisberg-Gesellschaft eV, Hohenstaufenring 30-32, WD-5000 Cologne 1, Federal Republic of Germany, and Recall Training Consultants Ltd, 68 Brantfell Road, Blackburn BB1ö8DL, Lancashire, England. (Contains an essay, and objectives for the following topics: Production Management, Costing, Marketing)

    1979g Bung, Klaus, and Erhard Lehmkuhl: 'Final Report'. Study meeting on Management Training held in Cologne, 5-16 November 1979. Carl-Duisberg-Gesellschaft eV, Hohenstaufenring 30-32, WD-5000 Cologne 1, Federal Republic of Germany. (Contains objecties for the following topics: Quality Control, Management of Maintenance, Organisational Development, Production Control)

    1979h Sánchez Carrasco, María José, Klaus Bung, Leslie Bobb and Gordon Reid: 'How to develop good objectives'. An introduction for management training institutions. A Recall catechism. (There is also an associated workbook and teacher's guide). 93 pp. Recall Training Consultants Ltd, 68 Brantfell Road, Blackburn BB1-8DL, Lancashire, England

    1979i Bung, Klaus, Eckhard Würich and Sarwat Adam: 'Verbesserung der Produktionsorganisation in metallverarbeitenden Betrieben der Andenpaktstaaten durch Fortbildungsmaßnahmen (Primär-, Integrations- und Transferprogramm). Projektplan' (Project plan: Training programme for improving production management in metal-processing industries in the member states of the Pacto Andino. (Primary, Integration and Transfer Programme). 37 pp. Carl- Duisberg-Gesellschaft eV, Postfach 19 0325, WD-5000 Cologne 1, Germany

    1979j Bung, Klaus, Eckhard Würich and Sarwat Adam: 'Propuesta de seminarios en el sector de la administracion de la produccion' (Proposal for a training programme in the field of production ). Presented at a conference CDG/ANDI in Medellin, Colombia, held 6-8 June 1979. 60 pp. Carl-Duisberg- Gesellschaft eV, Postfach 19 0325, WD-5000 Cologne 1, Germany. Spanish translation of 1971i above

    1979k Bung, Klaus, and Hans Wagner: 'Die Neu-Erfindung des Rades in der Berufspädagogik' (Re-inventing the wheel in vocational training). 21 pp. Carl-Duisberg- Gesellschaft eV, Postfach 19 0325, WD-5000 Cologne 1, Germany

    1980 Reid, Gordon, and Klaus Bung: 'Die Counterpart-Bedarfsplanung im Zusammenspiel zwischen CDG und GTZ' (Planning the needs for counterparts in the collaboration between CDG and GTZ). A system of questionnaires, developed for the Carl-Duisberg- Gesellschaft, Cologne. 100 pp. April 1980. Not for publication

    Year ?? Marshall, Joe, Klaus Bung, Gordon Reid and Sarwat Adam: 'The management of maintenance'. A training package developed for Carl-Duisberg-Gesellschaft and The Asian Productivity Organisation

    Year ?? Sánchez Carrasco, María José, Leslie Bobb and Klaus Bung: 'How to teach with a training package'. A training package for future management instructors. Developed for Carl-Duisberg-Gesellschaft and the Asian Productivity Organisation

    1982 'Teaching algorithms and learning algorithms'. In: PROGRAMMED LEARNING AND EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY, Vol 19, No 3, p 181 - 218, London

    1986 'Educational programs for microcomputers from the publisher's point of view'. Mimeographed. Distributed to Members of the Publishers' Association, London, England. /// pp. English and German versions available. Recall Training Consultants Ltd, 68 Brantfell Road, Blackburn BB1ö8DL, Lancashire, England

    1989 'When the twain met. Indian teaching methods and European learning methods in yoga.' Dipika Supplements No 3, June 1989. 43 pp. Iyengar Yoga Institute, 223a Randolph Avenue, London W9-1NL, England

    1991 'Englisch computer-orientiert' (A one-year multi-media correspondence course for German beginners learning English, using subject-matter algorithms and learning algorithms, with special attention to computer-related topics. Media: Paper, workbooks, computer-programs, 36 audio-cassettes). Published in 10 monthly instalments as from February 1991 by Fernlehrinstitut Christiani, Konstanz, Germany

    1992 'Dynamic Learning Algorithms'.(Prague) This paper describes a learning algorithm, whose theory was first presented in 1972 and which has meanwhile been realised in the form of a computer program for human memory management and a multi-media correspondence course for English as a foreign language.

    The algorithm presupposes a memory model with an infinite number of layers. It is the aim of the algorithm to minimise the number of revisions and the total time invested for revisions without allowing the retention rate (set at 90%) to drop. The algorithm determines the points in time at which the individual items are revised, at first in terms of seconds and minutes (micro control) and later in terms of days, weeks and months (macro control). This is achieved by not revising AFTER the expected time of forgetting but as late as possible BEFORE this time, i.e. exactly before the abbyss of forgetting. If the algorithm has estimated this point in time correctly (i.e. if the pupil has made correct responses), the time span up to the next revision is increased; otherwise it is shortened step by step, until responses are beginning to be correct again. As soon as correct responses are given again, the span is extended until the first wrong response occurs. Then the interval until the next revision is shortened again. The dynamic change between lengthening and shortening the interval is continued until the desired retention span of four months has been reached and the learner has passed a test to prove it.

    The computer program MEM (MEmoryManager) which uses this algorithm will be offered to publishers, textbook authors, and the Open Sources Community. They can fit the program into existing courses (or courses yet to be developed) as a 'learning engine' and can thus cheaply and quickly create computer-controlled teaching materials in large quantities and for many different subjects. There are applications in all subjects involving verbal learning, e.g. learning to read and write in the mother tongue (including spelling and exercises for dyslexics), foreign languages, the teaching of literature, subjects in which factual questions are important (e.g. geography, history), in vocational training, in training at work, materials for slow learners, etc.

    1998 'Dynamische Lernalgorithmen' (Dynamic learning algorithms). In: Lobin, Günter, Heinz Lohse, Siegfried Piotrowski and Eva Poláková (eds): 'Europäische Kommunikationskybernetic heute und morgen' (European communications cybernetics today and tomorrow). In honour of Professor Helmar Frank on the occasion of his retirement. 180 pp. Published by Kava-Pech, Prague, Czech Republic, ISBN 80-85853-38-8, and by KoPäd, Munich, Germany, ISBN 3-929061-83-5, p 1-18

    2020 html - pdf Kubalová, Lucia, and Klaus Bung: 'METAL: Model of Efficient Teaching And Learning, or: The No-Nonsense Mechanisms of Learning'