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New: The
spelling of English names
How to learn a foreign language, enjoy it
and remember 90%
The IDYLL METHOD® is a learning system which helps
motivated adults to learn any foreign language, enjoy their studies,
and remember 90% for as long as it is useful. We utilise the most
advanced results of research
in the field of learning psychology and memory techniques. Dr Klaus
Bung, who, through this website, makes this academic work accessible to
the general public, is affectionately known as "the language doctor".
Visit this website every week to find out what is new, and tell your
friends about it. There is something here for almost everybody.
This system applies, for instance, to the following languages:
of languages by number of native speakers
of languages by total number of speakers (native and non-native)
notes on Dynamic Language Learning
notes on Initial Learning

Tips for adults learning a foreign language
You will find on these pages information about a system that
was very successfully propagated in Germany a few years ago, but
disappeared as a result of a take-over. We will now gradually
reconstruct the information and refine its presentation. Eventually the
information will be compiled in a book about the subject.
We start with a series of tips, which will be helpful to learners even
if they do not yet have access to the complete, comprehensive and
extremely balanced, system.
Uncategorised articles
New (2012-06-09 )
Klaus Bung: The
spelling of English names
Somebody asked how to handle English names which he hears on
audio-recordings. He knows some by ear but cannot spell them and he has
not heard some ever before. Without knowing the spelling he cannot look
them up in a dictionary, even if a dictionary existed. What to
New (2012-03-24)
Klaus Bung: The
meaning of "may"
The word "may" can have many meanings. One of them indicates
that something is possible but you are not sure, the possibility-may:
"I do not know what happened to my cat. She may be dead by now."
Another meaning of "may" has to do with "permission": "May I go to the
theatre tonight?", the permission-may. This essay explores the
possibility-may. Just for fun, watch this: my + a, may + n, many
New (2012-03-18)
Klaus Bung: Using
punctuation to avoid ambiguities
Some half-educated native speakers of English have argued that
punctation (e.g. use of commas) does not matter, or that there are no
reliable rules for English punctuation. Neither of these
assertions is true. Punctuation does matter, there are reliable rules
of correct and incorrect punctuation, but these can be overridden in
specific cases (so specific that they cannot be covered by purely
formal rules), when commas are used specifically to avoid ambiguities
or to control intonation (spoken presentation). This essay investigates
one such case in detail..
New (2012-03-08)
Klaus Bung: Kiss
me, honey, honey, kiss me, or: How universal are "Please" and "Thank
A visitor to England was so astonished by the frequent use of
"Please" and "Thank you" that he enquired why an English general has to
say "Please" when he requests his soldiers to attack. In this essay we
explore the use of these words in English and in other cultures. You
will also learn why it is sometimes a good idea to hold hands with the
policeman who arrests you (but not if you are a woman), where to kiss
your girlfriend in peace and quiet when it is forbidden by the
religious police (or the inquisition) and why 350 words of Arabic can
be immensely useful.
New (2012-03-01)
Klaus Bung: The
bit between her teeth. Essay on English idioms
This is an article about women who can't be stopped talking,
like the Shrew in Shakespeare's play "The Taming of a Shrew", about men
who are sure of victory, about Chaucer's "Wife of Bath" who had all her
five (consecutive) husbands under her thumb, of armies who scent
victory and cannot be stopped by their thoughtful generals from
attacking, of horses who are scared and bolt, of run-away trains and
run-away toboggans, of mobs which are out of control, of daughters who
get married against their fathers' wishes. What do they all have in
common - the self-confident women, the horses who run away in fear, and
the armies which fearlessly charge to victory, the trains and toboggans
which cannot be stopped? They all have the bit between their teeth.
This essay explains how such an absurdity is possible, at least in
Posted on 2012-02-08
Klaus Bung What's
in store for me tonight? Essay on English idioms
"tonight" is a strange expression in English because it
usually means "in the evening" and not "during the night". "What's in
store" usually means "what is going to happen" and not "What goods are
in stock in a certain shop". This essay explores, with the help of many
examples, how these expressions are used and discusses many other
English idioms besides.
Posted on 2011-10-04
Klaus Bung: If
you are pleased, I am satisfied
An essay about expressions of praise and disapproval in
various contexts and about the wide variety of meanings of the word
"satisfied", with examples taken from English literature.
Posted on 2011-09-26
Klaus Bung: "You
make my mouth water, darling". What does this English idiom mean
and how is it used in English literature.
Posted on 2011-04-16
Bung: How to learn any language and remember 90%. A practical guide
Posted on 2011-03-30
Klaus Bung: German
is easy: Lesson 1 to Lesson 4
The very first lesson of a new course for absolute beginners.
52 lessons are planned. We will upload each new lesson when it is
ready. Visit this site regular to see what is new.
Posted on 2011-03-17
Klaus Bung: Language
Learning with Programmes. An algorithm which controls the
assimilation of spoken language exercises.
Posted on 2011-03-03
Klaus Bung: Principles
of an algorithm which facilitates the learning of Sanskrit vocabulary
and grammar, and ensures 90% retention
Posted on 2011-01-05
Klaus Bung: TRAM:
How to learn understand English (or any other language) spoken fast.
Version: Alpha Test 03. 2011-01-06 - Comments
and suggestions for improvement are welcome.
Posted as from 2010-12-04
Klaus Bung: Frequently
asked questions on the IDYLL METHOD®
Posted on 2010-11-30
Klaus Bung: Cartesian
Language Learning
Posted as from 2010-08-25
Klaus Bung: Essays
on English idioms
This series started on 2010-08-25. Further essays will be
added at regular intervals. Check the page every ten days to see if
there is anything new.
Posted on 2010-08-14
Klaus Bung: From
word to discourse: A lesson with SENTAL, or: How to absorb new
vocabulary and grammar
Posted on 2010-08-07
Klaus Bung: "Help for intermediate and advanced language
learners: How
to eradicate your mistakes systematically" (SENTAL)
Posted on 2010-07-08
Dr Prabhu Shastry: "Learn
to chat in Sanskrit" (with many useful links to resources, Sanskrit
chatrooms, news broadcasts and newspapers in Sanskrit, and offer of conversational Sanskrit courses in
the UK)
Posted on 2010-06-25
Klaus Bung: "What
use is Latin?"
English summary of a German newspaper article on the state of
Latin learning in Germany's secondary schools. Link to the original
article. Discussion of a study to determine whether German students did
better in learning Spanish after having learnt Latin or after having
learnt French. Klaus Bung explains how he
personally benefitted from knowing Latin when learning several other
foreign languages. Information about present-day teaching and
use of Latin and of Sanskrit as a conversational language. Link to a
Latin chatroom.
Posted on 2010-06-22
Klaus Bung: "A
stroll amidst the languages of Europe" (The philosophy underlying a
series of language courses now being developed by rtc-Books: "At ease in Europe", or: "Passport to
in the cupboard:
European languages reveal their family secrets"
Find out what names have been invented in English, Welsh, French,
German, Spanish, Arabic, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian, Austrian,
Czech, Russian, Bulgarian, Latin, Greek, Hindi, Urdu, Sanskrit - for
common victuals such as apples, tomatoes, oranges, peaches, turkeys,
maize and common words for books, emperors, Czars, kings and charlies
etc. -- Sheer entertainment with linguistic curiosities, or a great
help for people learning foreign languages.
and links: 2010-06-08 - If a citizen of Pakistan, India or
Bangladesh marries a British citizen, she/he has to pass an English
language test before her/his spouse visa to the UK is issued.
Posted on 2010-05-30
Klaus Bung: "The
foreign language needs of waiters and hotel staff 1" ("The long
waiter study"). (First published in 1973 by The Council of Europe")
Posted on 2010-06-07
Klaus Bung: "The
foreign language needs of waiters and hotel staff 2" ("The short
waiter study"). (First published in 1973 by The Council of Europe")
and links: Guinea pigs wanted: Can squeals be made human?
Posted on 2010-05-12
Seminar prospectus: More efficient language learning. Languages
for business.
27 Questions and answers.
Posted on 2010-05-09
Klaus Bung: "The
specification of objectives in a language learning system for adults"
(First published in 1973 by The Council of Europe").
Posted on 2010-04-20
Klaus Bung: "The
input-output relation in language behaviour" (First published in
1973 by The Council of Europe")
News and
links: Chinesisch an einer deutschen Grundschule (Chinese lessons
at German primary school). Article in German. 2010-04-20
Posted on 2010-04-08
Klaus Bung: "Inside
the shell. Programming and the language laboratory". First
published in 1965.
Posted on 2010-04-07
Sample pages of Dr Bung's correspondence
course "English for Germans"
/ Probeseiten von Dr Bungs Fernlehrgang
"Englisch computer-orientiert" (Christiani Publishers, Konstanz,
Germany, 1991)
Posted on 2010-04-03
Bung: Dynamische Lernalgorithmen (Dynamic Learning Algorithms)
(Deutscher text, German text)
Posted on 2010-03-21
is child's play (List of German and English words closely
resembling each other)
Posted on 2010-03-17
fit with Hindi-Urdu numerals (HUNs)
Posted on 2010-03-12
of Publications by Dr Klaus Bung (1963-1990)
Posted on 2010-03-11
with the Pen-and-Paper Algorithm (PAPA)
to learn vocabulary (Basic DYLL: simplified)
to revise (revision dates)
Press reports on Dynamic Language Learning
Bung: Dynamic Learning Algorithms
Klaus Bung: How to learn numerals (in any language) (to be
posted on 30 July 2011)
External links
Brands Index
Which is the best loved country in the world, which is the least loved
country in the world.
tragedy of dying languages
The death of the last speaker of an ancient language in
India's Andaman Islands highlights the fact that half of the world's
7,000 languages are in danger of disappearing. Linguist K David
Harrison argues
that we still have much to learn from vanishing languages. ...
Johnny (last speaker of HIS native American language) has
tried to teach his children and others in the tribe. "Trouble is," he
sighs, "they say they want to learn it, but when it comes time to do
the work, nobody comes around."
Chapters planned for this site
It will take at least a year to cover
all the topics listed.
If you are particularly interested in one of the topics listed below,
e-mail The Language Doctor to tell him so, and we will then move this
topic up on our list of priorities. Those topics most in demand will be
tackled first.
Techniques for intermediate learners
- How to develop reading skills
- Learning to think in the foreign language
Techniques for advanced learners
- The three-sentence method
- The diary method
- Communication skills
- The importance of reading
Diverse aspects of language learning
- The philosophy of environmental language learning
- Language learning abroad
- How to exploit a language teacher
- Seven popular and harmful fallacies about language learning
- The philosophy of environmental language learning
- The
memory model of Dynamic Language Learning
- Famous language learners in history
- The benefits of Dynamic Language Learning
- History and development of Dynamic Language Learning
- Academic
- Language samples
- Euro-Words
- Numeral systems in various languages
- Testimonials
Friendly sites
Online degree programs and courses for educators in California, USA
Justice Degrees
Degree programs in Criminal Justice for those pursuing a law
enforcement career
Education: the best investment in
your future. | Online Degrees and Online Degree Programs
If you are looking for English courses, this section will provide you
the best resources to find the proper English course for you. You will
also find many other resources.
English language
Improve your knowledge of English by learning new English vocabulary,
grammar, pronunciation and other English language skills. Useful
resources for learners and teachers.
Florida online
Degree programs from accredited online schools are available
through Florida Degrees.
Florida Teacher
Find degree programs designed for teachers from Florida accredited
course in Nice
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school is amongst the most reputed on the Côte d'Azur. More than 2500
students, representing almost 40 nationalities, choose to come here
each year to learn French.
Learn French with our CDs
Make your French learning task an easy activity.
Georgia teaching
Useful tools and information to help you get your teaching certificate
in Georgia
Learn German
Our German language CDs make your German language learning an easy
Health products | Collagen
Illinois Teacher:
Illinois Teacher offers several services to educators in Illinois with
a primary focus on online continuing education courses and degree
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Budget and luxury hotels and packages in India. Read reviews and book
online - Hotels in Puri, Goa, Mumbai/Bombay, New Delhi, Ooty,
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Learning CDs
Our Italian learning CDs make your Italian language learning task an
easy activity.
Language Exchange
Find online partners all over the world, for chat, email or voice
exchange: They learn your language, and they help you learning theirs.
travel - LSM Sprachreisen ESL
Learn foreign languages abroad. We organise your studies and your
English, German, Spanish, Italian, etc.
English in USA
Learning on an English course in USA provides the advantage of being
taught by native English speakers which improves your English language
skills in a easy way.
Managed Services, Managed IT
ITSolv world class managed services provider
Michigan Teaching
Find teaching degrees for teachers and aspiring teachers in Michigan.
Online degrees available.
Nepal - Shri
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We live in the mountains - We reach for the stars
If you were born in Takukot and live anywhere else in the world, write
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letter page is waiting for you.
Nepal travel
Expert and friendly travel agent in Kathmandu arranges travel in Nepal,
Tibet, India, Bhutan. Sky Touch Travels & Tours (Pvt) Ltd
New Jersey - How
to become a New Jersey teacher
Get help with the accreditation and certification process in New Jersey
and start teaching.
Ohio teaching
Find the right degree program to become a certified teacher in Ohio.
Online degrees available.
Online Education
360 Education Solutions is a leader in online education / distance
available in Lancashire, UK, (Blackburn, Darwen, Preston, Burnley,
Clitheroe, Bury, Whalley, and nearby) ad hoc to step into the breach
when your regular organist is indisposed, on holidays or while you are
searching for a permanent organist.
Pennsylvania Teaching is a great career resource for educators in
Pennsylvania looking to continue their education.
in Spain
Spanish language school in Alicante, Enforex, Spain. Courses for adults
and for students. City of the Spanish Levant, Alicante has a
magnificent location on the shores of the Costa Blanca, dazzling with
light. The school has different courses and many accommodation and
leisure opportunities.
Learning CDs
Our Spanish learning CDs will make your Spanish learning task an easy
Online resource for teachers or aspiring teachers in Texas, USA.
Virginia Teaching:
State of Virginia teaching certification
Virginia Teaching offers resources for those pursuing a career in
education or looking to continue their education.
