Language Index:
Articles on specific languages
Teachers tell you what to learn.
IDYLL shows you how to learn it.
Klaus Bung: English idioms, understatement, colloquial English, exploration of word families. New articles appear several times every week. This page is a must for intermediate and advanced students of English. Visit it regularly.
European languages comparison:
Klaus Bung: "Skeletons in the cupboard: European languages reveal their family secrets" (contains examples from: Arabic, Bulgarian, Chinese, Czech, English, French, German, Hindi, Italian, Latin, Persian, Russian, Sanskrit, Spanish, Urdu)
German (absolute beginners):
German is child's play
German is easy
Klaus Bung: What use is Latin
Prabhu Shastry: Learn to chat in Sanskrit
Klaus Bung: Principles of an algorithm which facilitates the learning of Sanskrit vocabulary and grammar, and ensures 90% retention
Klaus Bung: Regularities in Hindi-Urdu numerals, or: The Jihad against Number Iblis
Klaus Bung: Keep fit with Hindi-Urdu numerals (HUNs)
Teachers tell you what to learn.
IDYLL shows you how to learn it.
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