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German is child's play

German and English are related languages (cousins). This shows itself particularly in the vocabulary. The most basic of English words are of Germanic origin, later many words from French were added, and even later educated words from Latin came into English but are today in everyday use.

If you want to encourage your children to learn foreign languages, e.g. German, show them some very easy words and let them learn them and play with them.

Here is a list of such easy words. German nouns begin with a capital letter.

English: the finger
German: der Finger
The spelling is almost identical. The pronunciation is slightly different.

English: the hand
German: die Hand
Spelling identical. Pronunciation different

English: green
German: grün
Similar in writing, similar in speech.

Here now comes a first list of such related words. More words will be added as time goes by. We also will add more pictures to the words.

If you want a similar page in some other language (e.g. Spanish, French, Italian, or whatever) for your children or your school, please tell us which and we will endeavour to add it to the site. It will cost you nothing. Follow up e-mail by phone call.

You can click on some of the images to make them larger.

1 eine Trompete a trumpet
2 ein Trompeter

a trumpeter
Louis Armstrong playing the trumpet

3 Musik music
4 Wir machen Musik. We make music.
5 ein Fuss a foot
6 eine Hand a hand
7 ein Ball a ball
8 ein Fuss-ball a football
9 ein Schuh a shoe
a show
10 ein Hand-schuh a hand-shoe = a glove
11 Grass grass
12 Schnee snow
13 Blut blood
14 eine Tomate a tomato
15 Schokolade chocolate
16 eine Banane a banana
17 Grass ist grün. Grass is green.
18 Schokolade ist braun. Chocolate is brown.
19 Tomaten sind rot. Tomatoes are red.
20 Blut ist rot. Blood is red.
21 Schnee ist weiss. Snow is white.
22 Die Banane ist gelb. The banana is yellow.
23 ein Schuh a shoe
24 eine Hand a hand
25 ein Hand-schuh a glove
26 ein Finger a finger
27 eine Hand a hand
28 ein Arm an arm
29 ein Knie a knee
30 meine Nase my nose
31 ein Bus a bus
32 Der Bus ist rot. The bus is red.
33 Der Ball rollt. The ball rolls.
34 ein Fisch a fish
a trout / fish
35 der Fisch schwimmt. The fish swims.
36 Hans trinkt. John drinks. Hans drinks.
37 Hans trinkt Coca Cola. John drinks Coca Cola.
38 Hans trinkt Wasser. John drinks water.
39 Der Fisch trinkt Wasser. The fish drinks water.
40 Guten Morgen. Good morning.
41 Mr Smith trinkt Tee. Mr Smith drinks tea.
42 Mrs Straw trinkt Kaffee. Mrs Straw drinks coffee.
43 Herr Schmidt trinkt Bier. Mr Schmidt drinks beer.
Herr Steinmeier drinks beer
44 eine Tür a door
45 Die Tür ist auf. The door is open.
46 Die Tür ist zu. The door is closed.
47 Guten Tag. Good day.
48 Auf Wiedersehen. Good bye.
  ein Elephant an elephant
elephant with baby
  ein Affe a monkey, an ape
  eine Kuh a cow
  eine Maus a mouse
  eine Ratte a rat
  die Henne the hen
hen in forest opening
  das Insekt the insect
  das Schwein the pig, the swine
  der Hund the dog, the hound
  das Kind the child
  die Kinder the children
  der Garten the garden
  der Kinder-garten the nursery
  der Park the park
  der Vater the father
  die Mutter the mother
  der Mann the man
  die Frau the woman
  das Auto the car
  der Bus the bus
  das Telefon the telephone
  der Fisch the fish
  das Wasser the water
  das Netz the net
  das Haus the house
  die Schule the school
  der Mann the man
  die Frau the woman
  das Kind the child
  der Vater the father
  die Mutter the mother





