A 2 1/2 day weekend
for business people
Seminar prospectus for the business community and FAQs
Languages for business
More effective language learning
Recall Training Consultants Ltd
68 Brantfell Road
Blackburn BB1-8DL

What we do - in a nutshell
- We hold seminars for people learning languages
- and we create multilingual websites.
Foreign language skills are often important,
- for entrepreneurs,
- for employees
Many people struggle when trying to learn a language.
Our Unique Selling Point:
We do not teach you languages,
we make you capable of learning languages,
any language,
with 90% retention of whatever you learn with the IDYLL METHOD® ,
even if you are British (for crying out loud).
The IDYLL METHOD® enables you to feed language into your brain systematically like you feed data into a computer. It is backed by 20 years of published research.

Twenty-seven questions and answers
- The view of the British Overseas Trade Board
- Who can benefit from your Seminars?
- Which languages do you teach in your Seminars?
- To which languages can learning algorithms be applied?
- To which languages have you applied your learning
- How can we benefit from your techniques if we are
already committed to a language school or a teacher?
- Can you tell us how learning algorithms work?
- Is there nothing else you can tell us now about
learning algorithms?
- Why don't language schools teach learning algorithms?
- Will your Seminars be entirely devoted to learning algorithms?
- Does the Seminar consist only of lectures?
- Why is it worthwhile investing time and money into a Seminar if, at the end of it, I have not even started learning the language I really want to learn?
- I am planning to go abroad to learn the foreign language in the environment in which it is generally spoken. Can the IDYLL METHOD® help in such a situation?
- Is it not sufficient to have enrolled for a full-time 'crash course' in the country of the target language? Surely I can not do better than this!
- Why are you so confident about the efficacy of your
learning algorithms?
- Where have you tested the techniques of the IDYLL METHOD® ?
- Where have you taught the techniques of the IDYLL METHOD® ?
- How long does your Seminar take?
- Is your Seminar suitable for beginners and advanced
students alike?
- Is your Seminar also suitable for teachers?
- Who are the lecturers at the Seminar?
- Have you taught the IDYLL METHOD® publicly
- What other achievements do Recall Training Consultants
have in the language teaching / learning field?
- Who are Recall Training Consultants?
- Where and when do you hold your Seminars?
- What do we receive for our Seminar fee?
- What do we have to bring for the Seminar?
- Timetable
- Dates, venues, further details
- Registration form
DYNAMIC LANGUAGE LEARNINGTM seminars for business people and professionals were regularly held in Germany and Switzerland in the 1980's. They are based on linguistic research which goes back to the 1960's programmed learning movement and has been further developed and refined ever since. We are now introducing these seminars into the UK and adjusting the training materials to the requirements of the English market. They are therefore sometimes marked as "Draft" (or Beta Test) versions and will be changed as needed. While the seminars are in the pilot stage in this country, they are offered at a substantial discount.
Different versions of the seminar can be prepared on request. The 2 1/2 day seminar is an ideal format that gives reasonably good and thorough coverage. For certain groups we can also offer a 1-day seminar (6 teaching hours).
Get in touch and discuss your requirements. Minimum number of delegates: 10; maximum: 20.
Note: In March 1983, German business magazine DER AUFSTIEG (Advancement / Rising to the top) ran a cover story on the IDYLL METHOD®, then simply known as DYNAMISCHES SPRACHENLERNEN (METHODE DR BUNG) (Dynamic Language Learning Dr Bung)
1 The view of the British Overseas Trade Board
'Linguistic ability will not only save time and expense. It will also make it easier for the exporter to build up an effective rapport with his customer. In many competitive industries this is likely to make the difference between a contract won and a contract lost' (BOTB Report, 1975)
2 Who can benefit from your Seminars?
The following target groups can benefit:
- Businessmen (women) / executives who have to learn foreign languages under pressure
- Students at adult education institutes and further education colleges
- Parents who want to help their children with foreign language learning
- Anyone who is dissatisfied with his progress, with the language teaching he receives or who thinks that he is 'no good' at learning languages (We will give him the self-confidence he lacks).
We keep some of these target groups strictly apart and provide different versions of the Seminar for them. To help us ensure a workable composition of the Seminar and exclude applicants not likely to benefit from the Seminar, the Registration Form contains a questionnaire.
It is in your own interest to fill this in carefully.
3 Which languages do you teach in your Seminars?
We do not teach languages but learning algorithms (precise learning procedures). These can be applied to any language and improve your learning efficiency by up to 300%. You may take your language courses with other schools and with other teachers. Our Seminar enables you to make an enormous success of them.
4 To which languages can learning algorithms be applied?
To all languages
5 To which languages have you applied your learning algorithms?
German, French, Spanish, Italian, Tagalog, Hindi, Urdu, Arabic and Swahili
6 How can we benefit from your techniques if we are already committed to a language school or a teacher?
We have no interest in persuading you to leave the school or teacher of your choice. But we wish to show you how you can get up to 300% more out of the lessons you are taking by being much more systematic and efficient in the work you are doing between one lesson and the next. If you want to maximise your gains, come to us as soon as possible. If you are not yet committed to a school or teacher, come to our Seminar before you commit yourself. Once you have attended our Seminar, you will find it easier to make a sensible choice.
The IDYLL METHOD® shows you how to work more rationally in-between lessons:
- how to assimilate what your teacher has told you during your last class,
- and how to prepare systematically for your next class
so as to get maximum value from your teacher, your language school and your language partners (informants).

7 Can you tell us how learning algorithms work?
This is not possible in the little space available in this booklet. But during the Seminar, we will teach you how to learn with learning algorithms. We will also give you practical learning exercises so that you can prove to yourself that and how learning algorithms work.
8 Is there nothing else you can tell us now about learning algorithms?
We cannot (or will not) describe them until you come to our Seminar, but we can tell you about their effects. Our learning algorithms
- can improve your learning speed and retention by up to 300%,
- are applicable to *** any *** language
- help you to concentrate on material that is relevant to you personally
- centre the initiative for learning onto you, the learner
- can be used to support, and improve the effect of, the courses you normally attend
The effect of learning with our learning algorithms has to be *** experienced *** to be fully appreciated.
Note: If you are academically inclined and want to dig into the research which underlies the techniques taught at our Seminar, read Dr Bung's seminal paper "Dynamic Learning Algorithms", which has been published in print and on the Internet in English and German. Through it you can trace all the publications on which the IDYLL METHOD® is based. You can also find many details of our learning algorithms on our website: http://www.rtc-idyll.com
9 Why don't language schools teach learning algorithms?
- They do not know the learning algorithms we have developed.
- Learning algorithms benefit you, the learner, but not the language school since
- they enable you to learn more with fewer lessons
(less money for the school) and
- would force the school to change its approach to language teaching radically and perhaps even to create expensive new course materials
(more expense for the school)
Our learning algorithms are the outcome of many years of highly specialised research work. Language schools are not research institutes. Moreover, we have focussed our attention on *** learning *** methods (as opposed to teaching methods), an area generally neglected by language schools.
10 Will the Seminar be entirely devoted to learning algorithms?
No. We will teach, and practise with you, three learning algorithms which are used for different aspects of language learning. They form a coherent system which makes it virtually impossible for you not to learn something you wish to learn.
In addition,
- we will show you how to decide on learning targets which are appropriate for your personal needs,
- we will discuss the most common obstacles to successful language learning and show you how to overcome them,
- we make you aware of the criteria that should lead you in choosing your teacher, your school and your learning environment.
- we discuss general learning principles and show you how to utilise them to maximise your progress.
- we teach you special techniques for language learning if you decide to learn in the country of your chosen language.
- we show you how to collect and process language specimens to ensure that they are useful and can easily be learnt with the aid of learning algorithms.
We teach you three learning algorithms,
- one for spoken language
- one for written language and
- one to control the growth of your linguistic competence in accordance with your everyday needs and with your varying levels of confidence and linguistic accuracy.
We teach you how to get value for money from a language teacher or a language school. This Seminar Session will not only lead to faster progress but will also ensure that you learn 'more for every pound committed in your budget' or that you have to spend less for lessons - since we teach you how to do more at home, while travelling and during the odd moments you may have available for language learning.
In all Sessions, you can ask questions related to your personal problems, and there are two Sessions devoted entirely to questions and the exchange of xperiences and ideas among Delegates.
11 Does the Seminar consist only of lectures?
No. The seven lectures of the Seminar will he interspersed with group work and individual learning exercises. The learning exercises are carefully spaced out to demonstrate the effect of revising at *** correctly *** planned intervals.
12 Why is it worthwhile investing time and money
into a Seminar on learning techniques
if, at the end of it, I have not even started
learning the language I really want to learn?
W Somerset Maugham says:'Sometimes a very small thing will have an effect on you out of all proportion to the event' (The Razor's Edge). Such is the case with learning algorithms. They are much more precise than anything you ever learn at standard courses on 'study skills'. They increase your learning speed during each of the 200 to 1000 hours you might normally spend learning a language. Their effect is so dramatic that the investment in time and money required for our Seminar is negligible.
You may already be dissatisfied with the teaching you receive, with your progress, or you may, most assuredly wrongly, believe that you are 'no good' at language learning. The IDYLL METHOD® can change all that.
On the other hand, you may be quite satisfied with your present teaching, simply because you don't know any better. You are then like a driver who has got used to driving a car without ball bearings, with rusty axles and with the handbrakes permanently on (Such is the state of language teaching in the world today). The IDYLL METHOD® takes the handbrakes off, fits the ball bearings, greases the axles - and you can take off at lightning speed.
13 I am planning to go abroad to learn the foreign language in the environment in which it is generally spoken. Can the IDYLL METHOD® help in such a situation?
We call this "language learning among the natives". It is the situation in which it can help most of all. In a language school at home, the difference between the best learner and the worst is still comparatively small. In the country of the target language it is enormous. You can be one of the champion performers - if you know, through the IDYLL METHOD®, how to go about it, how to make the best of the congenial environment in which you find yourself, how to process and remember the enormous amount of new linguistic information with which you are bombarded every day, how to turn everybody you meet into a private language teacher, ...
14 Is it not sufficient to have enrolled for a full-time 'crash course' in the country of the target language? Surely, I cannot do better than this!
You can do far better. As with 'crash courses' at home, a practitioner (user) of the IDYLL METHOD® can learn more with fewer lessons than an *** untrained *** language learner with ten private lessons a day.
We have had many reports from executives returning from exorbitantly expensive 'crash courses' abroad, deeply disappointed with their progress and with the fact that, in spite of the private lessons they received, the course was accordingly more expensive but still *** not adapted to their personal needs ***. Yet they were unable to change the situation and to influence sensibly the teaching they received - since they did not possess the skills of the IDYLL METHOD®.
In a recent case, a company director simply dropped out of a four week 'crash course' in exasperation after two weeks - without even demanding or getting a refund: a 'crash' course indeed! The IDYLL METHOD ® could have helped him to make the same course an unrivalled success.
15 Why are you so confident about the efficacy of your learning algorithms?
We have done research in the field of learning techniques over many years. We have tested our algorithms with many different kinds of learners and with many widely differing languages. We have refined our algorithms until there was no further scope for improvement. Finally, we have packaged them in a form that makes them easy to learn: the present Seminar.
16 Where have you tested the techniques of the IDYLL METHOD® ?
They have been tested at Holborn College of Law, Languages and Commerce in London (now part of the University of Westminster), at Woolwich Polytechnic (now part of the University of Greenwich), at a London Comprehensive School (with severe disciplinary problems), at various adult education institutes in London, and with a large number of private students.
17 Where have you taught the techniques of the IDYLL METHOD® ?
Apart from testing them with, and teaching them to, language *** learners *** in England, we have presented them to teachers in England, the USA, Canada, Germany, Austria, Italy, the Philippines and Chile.
18 How long does your Seminar take?
Only 2 1/2 days. This is a negligible amount of time and an extremely profitable investment, considering the dramatic improvements in learning performance that our techniques bring during each of the 200 to 1000 hours you might normally be expected to spend learning a foreign language.
We will also consider preparing a shortened version, one day / 6 teaching hours if requested.
19 Is your Seminar suitable for beginners and advanced students alike?
No. Our Seminar has been carefully planned to deal specifically with the problems confronting 'beginners', ie learners who may be below '0' level or at most half-way up to 'A' level.
We are planning a Seminar for advanced students. If you are one and would like to come, please write to us and let us know your problems so that we can take them into account when preparing that Seminar.
20 Is your Seminar also suitable for teachers?
No. We hold special Seminars for teachers and will provide details on request.
The present Seminar is extremely practical and by-passes many of the theoretical questions teachers are interested in. Teachers would therefore be unhappy in the present Seminar and their questions would disturb the other Delegates, whose problems are entirely different.
21 Who are the lecturers at the Seminar?
At present all seminars are conducted by Dr Bung personally. But if an organisation requests a seminar which applies the IDYLL METHOD® specifically to one particular language (i.e. all delegates are learning the same language), we will draw in a specialist in that language who will teach alongside Dr Bung. But the emphasis will always be on HOW to learn, rather than WHAT to learn. Such seminars will usually have to be sponsored by a specific organisation or business for their members or employees. Please contact us to discuss your needs.
*** Klaus Bung ***, PhD (Cantab) (Linguistics), Director of Recall Training Consultants Ltd (together with his team) has developed these learning techniques over the last forty years. He worked for the Council of Europe committee which developed the European unit credit system for modular assessment for language learners all over Europe (1973).
Besides his native German, he has learnt classical Greek, Latin, English, French, Russian, Spanish, Italian, Tagalog (Philippines), Hindi-Urdu, Sanskrit and Arabic to survival, reading or teaching level. His publications (over 80) have been published in nine countries and in six languages, and his learning techniques have been used in colleges and schools and presented in seminars and lectures in England, the USA, Canada, Germany, Austria, Chile and the Philippines.
22 Have you taught the IDYLL METHOD® publicly before?
Yes. We have taught its various elements in Seminars, Courses and at Universities all over the world, for instance in England, the USA, Canada, Germany, Austria, Chile and the Philippines.
23 What other achievements do Recall Training Consultants Ltd have in the language teaching / learning field?
Dr Klaus Bung, the Founder and Director of Recall Training Consultants Ltd, was one of the first persons in London to use language laboratories (in the 1960s). He became internationally known as a pioneer of programmed language instruction and has over 80 publications to his credit. He did some of the basic research for the unit-credit (threshold level) system for language learning of the Council of Europe. Links 1 2 3 4.
24 Who are Recall Training Consultants?
The company was incorporated in 1972. Prior to that it was a loose association of collaborators working on educational projects during the 1960's. As the world has changed since then, so RTC's activities have gradually changed, but always pivoting around education and training and communication skills. The experience and style acquired in earlier projects has been handed down and evolved to benefit current projects and activities or to re-appear in new combinations often influenced by the appearance of new technologies (computers, internet, print-on-demand, Unicode fonts).
We are internationally renowned language training specialists and have among our clients Ford Werke (Cologne), Encyclopaedia Britannica (Germany), The Council of Europe, and the Public Service Commission (Canada).
We also used to have a Section dealing with management training, vocational and industrial training and educational technology. We trained teachers and instructors (vocational and industrial), developed manuals and users' instructions. We have worked as technical authors and still accept such assignments. We now develop websites. We have done a great deal of work in or for developing countries, eg the Philippines, Thailand, India, Chile, Kenya and Iraq. Some of our work in this field (training materials used in our vocational training seminars) will be placed on the Internet within the next year or so, partly for its current value, and partly for historical reasons.
25 Where and when do you hold your Seminars?
Public Seminars are held in hotels in various parts of the country once we have a fair number of applicants from that region. If you contact us, we will put you on our mailing list and send you invitations regularly.
A leaflet with the dates of the next Seminars is enclosed
26 What do we get for our Seminar Fee?
(Note: This is a draft prospectus. Details may vary from seminar to seminar depending on the specific arrangements made with delegates and client organisations.)
Your Seminar Fee covers
- tuition
- study material (handouts/lecture notes/summaries)
- a scoring book
- hotel accommodation (two nights)
- all meals
27 What do we have to bring for the Seminars?
- A voice recording device (cassette recorder, MP3 recorder, mobile phone, etc) and recording medium
- Pencil and paper
- All materials relating to the language you are learning: your textbook(s), cassettes, records, exercise books, etc
Day 1
Evening |
Friday evening |
17.00 - 19.00 |
Arrival of Delegates. Registration |
19.00 - 20.00 |
Dinner |
20.00 - 20.45 |
Welcome. Delegates introduce themselves and state their problems and expectations |
20.45 - 21.15 |
Break |
21.15 - 22.00 |
Lecture 1:
Problems, learning objectives and decisions in language learning |
Day 2 |
Saturday |
9.00 - 9.45 |
Lecture 2:
The five foundations of successful language learning |
9.45 - 10.00 |
Break |
10.00 - 10.45 |
Lecture 3:
How to prepare for rapid language learning |
10.45 - 11.00 |
Break |
11.00 - 11.45 |
Lecture 4:
Learning with learning algorithms:
Written language
11.45 - 12.30 |
Exercise 1 (Group or individual work):
Delegates process material which they have brought for learning
12.30 - 13.00 |
Discussion of problems arising from Exercise 1 |
13.00 - 14.15 |
Lunch break |
14.15 - 15.00 |
Exercise 2 (Individual work):
Delegates try learning with learning algorithms:
Written language
15.00 - 15.15 |
Break |
15.15 - 16.00 |
Lecture 5:
Learning with learning algorithms:
Spoken language recording
16.00 - 16.15 |
Exercise 3 (Individual work):
Forgetting and remembering: Revision of Exercise 2 |
16.15 - 16.30 |
Break |
16.30 - 17.30 |
Exercise 4 (Group or individual work):
Delegates process material which they have brought for learning:
produce recording script, make recording |
17.30 - 18.00 |
Discussion of problems resulting from Exercise 4 |
18.00 - 18.15 |
Forgetting and remembering: Revision of Exercise 3
Recommended homework: To be done immediately before going to sleep:
Exercise 6: Forgetting and remembering:
Revision of Exercise 5 |
Day 3 |
Sunday |
9.00 - 9.30 |
Lecture 6:
Learning with learning algorithms: Spoken language recording. Revision, additional points, questions from delegates |
9.30 - 10.15 |
Exercise 7 (Individual work):
Delegates try learning with learning algorithms:
Spoken language recording
10.15 - 10.30 |
Break |
10.30 - 11.15 |
Lecture 7:
A learning algorithm for developing communication skills |
11.15 - 11.30 |
Exercise 8:
Forgetting and remembering: Revision of Exercise 7 |
11.30 - 11.45 |
Break |
11.45 - 12.00 |
Exercise 9 (Individual work):
Forgetting and remembering: Revision of Exercise 6 |
12.00 - 13.30 |
Lunch break |
13.30 - 13.45 |
Exercise 10 (Individual work):
Forgetting and remembering: Revision of Exercise 9
13.45 - 14.30 |
Lecture 8:
How to get good value for money from your language teacher
14.30 - 15.00 |
Exercise 11 (Individual work):
- Test your memory on written items
Exercise 12 (Individual work):
Test your memory on spoken items
15.00-16.00 |
Question time, summary and general discussion
Here ends the most useful seminar you have ever attended.
:-) Das ist der deutsche Humor :-)
Recall Training Consultants Ltd
For dates, venues and further information, please write to
The Seminar Secretary
Recall Training Consultants Ltd
68 Brantfell Road
Blackburn BB1-8DL
Please return this form with your remittance to
The Seminar Secretary
Recall Training Consultants Ltd
68 Brantfell Road
Blackburn BB1-8DL
(Please use a separate Form for each Delegate. Additional copies on request:

Seminar Ref: ______________
Seminar Date: From _______ To _______
The fee of £_____ is enclosed.
Name of Delegate: ____________________________________________
Official title: ________________
Organisation: _________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________
Tel: _____________________ Mob: ____________________________
To which of the groups listed under Question 2 above do you belong: l, 2, 3 or 4? __________
Which language are you 1earning? _____________
When did you start learning it? ____________
Do you consider yourself a beginner, intermediate or advanced? (Beginners are below 'O'-level standard; Advanced learners are near 'A'-level or above). _____________________________
Where and how are you learning? (Private School, Evening Institute, College of Further Education, University, Private Teacher, On your own, other [ please specify])? _________________________________
By when do you have to reach your learning target? _______________
What happens if you fail to do so? _________________________________
Why are you learning the language? _______________________________
Which skill are you mainly interested in: Speaking, Reading or Writing?
It is essential that you bring a voice recording device to the Seminar. Will you be able to do so? __________
Where did you hear about this Seminar? ____________________________
Date: _____________ Signature: _____________________
