Dr Klaus Bung
68 Brantfell Road
Blackburn BB1-8DL
© 2011 Klaus Bung
Klaus Bung:
Passport to Europe: German
Learn German
with the IDYLL® METHOD™,
which ensures 90% retention
This course teaches you German in the context of European language and culture and makes you a citizen of Europe. It shows the similarities of English, German and many other European languages and uses them as memory aids. It teaches you not only to speak and write German accurately but also to THINK in German from the start (Environmental Language Learning). It teaches you a LEARNING method (the IDYLL® METHOD™) which enables you to learn ANY future language (not only German) with ease and remember 90% even if you think you are not talented. It teaches you the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), which makes you aware, in writing, of the differences between German and English pronunciation and spelling, and also helps with any other language you may later learn.
Part 1: German is easy: You learn words which are similar in English and German, you learn the rules of German spelling and pronunciation, the IPA, and two of the most basic procedures (learning algorithms) of the IDYLL® METHOD™, one for doing written exercises (PAPA-Basic) and one for doing spoken exercises (LASPEX-Basic). In later lessons you will learn PAPA-Preferred and LASPEX-Preferred.-- We teach these words because they are easy.
Part 2: German survival kit: The 20 most important German words and phrases you need on your first day in Germany (yes, no, thank you, where is the toilet, etc) -- We teach these words because they are practical.
Part 3: Environmental German: You learn to name the objects in your every-day environment and to describe them while in your home country and to think in German (mentally practise German) from morning to night. You practise German not only in class or when you are speaking to a German partner, but round the clock.-- We teach these words because you can see them all around you.
Part 4: Expand your German: You now have the foundations to absorb German with ease. You feel and think like a German. Now you make your knowledge of the language complete. -- We teach you the language so that you can communicate.
Part 1:
German is easy
Deutsch ist leicht
Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
Lesson 5: to follow soon
Lesson 6: to follow
Lesson 7: to
Lesson 8: t