Sample pages of Dr Bung's Christiani English correspondence course
Veröffentlicht von Christiani Verlag, Konstanz, 1991. Jetzt (2010) nicht mehr im Handel. Die Probeseiten zeigen, wie gründlich der Kurs gestaltet und organisiert war. Entsprechendes kann auch heute mit demselben System und neuen Sprachdaten wieder geschaffen werden.
Fernlehrinstitute oder Verleger werden gebeten, sich an Dr Bung zu wenden, um die Möglichkeiten zu erkunden. |
Published by Christiani Verlag, Konstanz, 1991. Now (2010) out of print. The sample pages show, how neatly and thoroughly the course had been designed and organised. Similar learning materials can be created today with the same system (the same algorithms) and new language data. The system can be applied to any pair of languages (mother tongue - language to be learnt). Distance learning institutes and publishers are invited to contact Dr Bung to explore the possibilities.
German translation to follow | The software which went with this course was written for the Commodore 64 computer, which was the most widely used small computer at the time. The hero of the course is therefore, and for no other reason, Commodore Jones who "loves England and his computer", whose ship is his home and whose "home is his castle", all extremely simple English. Absurd sample sentences are often used because they impress themselves more easily into memory than ordinary ones. The course is filled with a host of highly original and effective teaching and learning devices not usually found in other courses and textbooks, and every detail has been carefully considered. The course materials were sent to students once every month. They consisted of printed materials with assignments and revisions allocated to every day (Day 1 to Day 30, one hour per day), audio-cassettes containing all exercises (phonetic transcriptions of all exercises were included in the printed materials), a program disc for the computer-based exercises, and data discs containing new words and sentences to be practised every month. The course consisted of printed materials, audio-cassettes and computer disks with programs and data designed for the Commodore 64 computer which was the most popular computer in Germany at the time. The software can now be recreated for Windows and especially for open source systems like Linux, Moodle, Open Office, etc, and Dr Bung is open to approaches from those quarters to discuss a collaboration. The techniques used are so fundamental that they can be applied to any language or any combination of languages: English for speakers of French, German, Spanish, Hindi, Urdu, Pashto, Chinese, Arabic, etc Hindi, Urdu, Pashto, Chinese, Spanish, Arabic, German, French, etc, for speakers of English (or whatever). Etc.
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Course prospectus: to follow
Click on the images to make them larger.
Klicken Sie auf die Bilder, um sie größer zu machen.
The following pages were taken from Lesson 1.
Prior to this, the students had worked through and mastered a preliminary lesson (Vorkurs) containing an English language survival kit (184 words, and phrases needed in travel situations, the international phonetic alphabet which is used in this course in addition to audio-cassettes, the spelling alphabet [a for alpha, b for bravo, etc], and some other tools needed in the main lessons which were to follow) .
Titelblatt / Title page
Inner cover page of one lesson: Work plan
Inhaltsverzeichnis eines Lehrbriefs: Arbeitsplan
Objectives of Lesson 1
Lehrziele von Lehrbrief 1
Sample explanations / Probeseite mit Erklärungen
Sample explanations / Probe-Erklärungen
Regular correspondences between English words and German words are always pointed out and used as memory aids. This is one of the characteristic features of Dr Bung's language courses:
On this page we find the following correspondences: German d / English th
d as
th at
d rei
th ree
d reißig
th irty
d anke
th anks
Schmie d
smi th
Pointing out such correspondences, whatever the language might be, is characterisic for Dr Bung's approach. The collection of this particular correspondence d/th will grow as the course progresses.
A typical DYLL exercise for beginners, with helpful annotations. Each English word and sentence is given in English orthography and phonetic transcription and recorded on an audio-cassette. The phonetic transcription is an aid to listening.
Memory aids through related German words are provided wherever they are available. English: calculator - German: kalkulieren, Kalkül, Kalkulation
The same exercise continued.
An exact workplan is provided for each day.
Für jeden Tag gibt es einen genauen Arbeitsplan.
An exercise with very easy sentences.
Eine Uebung mit sehr leichten Sätzen.
Continuation of exercise
A quasi-algorithm (flow chart) is used to give crystal clear explanations. Here this technique is used to tell the student when to use "he", "she" or "it".
This is an issue for Germans learning English for, in German, a computer is "he", a girl is "it", God is "he", a wall is "she", and a kitchen is "she", even if you hate cooking.
A page from Lesson 2 containing a quasi-algorithm (flow chart) telling the student when to use "in" and when to use "into". This is an issue for German students of English since in German the same word is used for "in" and for "into".
Dr Bung's explanations are always crystal clear.